SATs – What’s It All About?

Most parents hear of SATs (Standard Attainment Tests) and think that it’s ‘something’ the children do at the end of Year 6.  At KLC, we know differently. We know that the SATs is so much more!

In fact, the SATs exam at the end of Year 6 is a national benchmark of ability for all children, at the end of their primary school education in England.  The Government create the SATs exams and the papers are not internally marked by the primary school teachers – it’s treated in the same way as the GCSE exams – these exams are marked and graded externally!

So what are the SATs scores used for?  The scores are used to determine what is the expected academic progress path for each child during secondary school. It is used to hold the secondary schools’ accountable for the expected levels of progress for each child.  That’s why it’s even more important, in some ways, that the 11+.

Let’s be honest – not every child sits the 11+!  However, all children take the SATs in English Reading, Maths and SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar) at the end of Year 6!

So, what can you do to help your child get the best results at the end of Year 6?

Firstly, take an interest.  Whether or not your child has passed the 11+ is irrelevant. Ask your child about the SATs preparations and what their teachers are doing at school or in lessons.

Secondly, buy resources to help them. Ask the teachers.  Go to Amazon! There are loads of books and ten-minute tests to help your child. Get hold of past SATs papers.

Thirdly, if you are time-poor, bring them to our Friday evening school. We offer Year 6 class booster SATs preparation classes.  We have an excellent track record.

Remember, preparation is the key to success.  Why not give your child a glorious end to primary school? 

By: Jacklyn Takpi