The Kidbrooke Learning Centre Mathematics Programme provides pupils with the opportunity to excel in their ability to reason mathematically, discuss maths orally and to improve in their mental maths.
Our tutors provide access to a range of mathematics questions and problem-solving tasks with a particular focus on numberwork, times tables and understanding worded questions.
Many year 3-6 pupils have the intention of taking the 11 Plus exam. One of the first steps in preparation for the 11 Plus Mathematics exam is having a clear understanding of what to expect from each Selection test paper.
The Mathematics questions in the Bexley Selection test are worded differently from the GL assessment style questions (Kent) and also differ from the Medway Selection test questions. This means that the ability to interpret worded mathematical questions is crucial to the success in the 11+ Maths papers and ultimately the exams.
Whichever 11+ Selection tests your child sits is not the issue. The challenge is to have a secure understanding of certain key topics, such as:
Data Handling
Shape, Space and Measures
The Year 3-6 Mathematics curriculum at Kidbrooke Learning Centre is created to support pupils in the mastery of these key numerical skills. We scaffold mathematical learning and so students and parents can expect academic excellence in either the 11+, and/or end of Year 6 SATs, and/or entrance tests into private schools.
KLC is passionate about developing in students a love of learning and encourages pupils to be independent mathematical thinkers and not rote learners.
Rounding to the nearest integer
- Interpreting bills and timetables ∙ Rounding to the nearest 10,100, 1000
- Identifying fractions from a shaded diagram
- Identifying percentages from a shaded diagram
- Calculating simple fractions of quantities (numerator of 1)
- Ordering decimals ∙ Ordering, reading and writing whole numbers
- Converting fractions to a ratio, e.g. 1/3 of a whole is 1:2
- Carrying out long multiplication and division: 3-digit by 2-digit
- Calculating simple percentages of quantities
- Calculating simple fractions of quantities ∙ Understanding the order of operations ∙ Rounding to various decimal places
- Understanding place value ∙ Finding simple squares, cubes and roots
- Finding factors of numbers ∙ Converting between fractions, decimals and percentages
- Using negative numbers in context
- Use letter symbols to represent unknown numbers or variables
- Know and use the order of operations and understand that the algebraic operations follow the same conventions and order as arithmetic operations
- Simplify or transform linear expressions by collecting like terms; multiplying a single term over a bracket
- Substitute integers into simple formulae
- Use and interpret co-ordinates in all four quadrants
- Plot the graphs of simple linear functions 1 ∙ Know and use complements to 100 to find unknowns
- Continue whole number sequences forwards and backwards ∙ Use formulae expressed in words
- Understand the role of the equals symbol in number sequences ∙ Use inverse operations to calculate unknowns in two- or three- step problems
- Use and interpret co-ordinates in the first quadrant
- Continue sequences forwards and backwards which involve decimals, negative numbers or two operations.
- Gather information and decide what data to collect to answer a question
- Extract and interpret information presented in simple tables, lists, bar charts and pictograms
- Construct bar charts and pictograms where the symbol represents a group of units
- Describe properties of a data set
- Given a problem that can be addressed by collecting and analysing data, suggest possible answers
- Make tables/lists/tally charts, for discrete data
- Group data in equal class intervals and decide how best to represent it to show the information most clearly
- Construct and interpret frequency diagrams , simple line graphs and bar charts ∙ Understand and use the mode and range to describe sets of data
- Find the median and mode using single digits
- Understand the idea of ‘certain’ and ‘impossible’ within probability
- Use the language of probability to describe the likelihood of events
- List all outcomes ∙ Estimate probability from diagrams/tables.
Understand reflective symmetry including shapes with more than 1 line of symmetry
- use units of time & know the relationship between them (sec, hour, min, day, week, month, year)
- identify right angles in given shapes ∙ make, describe and draw right angled turns ∙ read a number from a scale with all divisions marked and some numbers
- classify 2D/3D shapes using mathematical properties e.g. irregular right angles symmetry
- describe the position of a point on a grid using co-ordinates ∙ recognise all lines of symmetry in a shape and sketch a reflective pattern
- read the time in minutes and calculate time differences ∙ use and interpret co-ordinates in the first quadrant
- work out the area and perimeter of a triangle
- change m to cm, cm to mm, £ to p & vice versa
- classify triangles & quadrilaterals by property, & or by name
- recognise simple cases of rotational symmetry
- estimate then use a protractor to measure & draw angles to the nearest degree
- calculate the perimeter and area of simple compound shapes that will split into rectangles
- read and plot points using co-ordinates in all four quadrants.
Try different approaches and find ways of overcoming difficulties that arise when solving problems,
Organise their work and check results,
Discuss mathematical work and begin to explain thinking,
Use and interpret mathematical symbols and diagrams,
Show understanding of a general statement by finding particular examples that match it,
Develop strategies for solving problems and use these strategies both in working within mathematics and in applying mathematics to practical contexts,
Present information and results in a clear and organised way and
Search for a mathematics solution by trying out own ideas.