Some children are so self-motivated that they’re able to work undisturbed on homework and disregard the distractions of usual family life, but not every child will find it so easy. Homework is best done in a peaceful place, ideally with assistance from a parent or guardian. If your job, household chores and caring for other children make it complicated to deliver those things you may want to consider the option of a homework club.
Based on feedback from our students, we have discovered that homework can be one of the most difficult tasks for children to complete due to lack of concentration following a busy day at school. It is a problem that parents struggle to find a remedy for. There are a number of causes for this. For many families, there is simply not sufficient time during the week to deal with their child’s demanding level of homework. As a result children can then become anxious about meeting the targets for finishing their school homework.
At KLC, we teach in accordance with the National Curriculum. We request children to bring along any Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning or Non Verbal Reasoning homework. Tutors are accessible to work through any difficulties that the child may be experiencing with their homework. Children are presented opportunities to work within a more well defined learning environment, free from distraction and where they feel that they are given the suitable support and guidance.
Children work together with the tutor in a small group and when they are self-assured to work independently, they may then do so. Homework is observed and supervised by the tutor but not marked. This allows for the child’s own class teacher to assess how well the child has handled the tasks assigned.