The end of the school year is quickly approaching. We’ve seen some year groups return to school (be it on a reduced timetable) and it seems as though the other year groups will follow suit. The ideal situation will be to resume as normal in September. However, we must remain adaptable to the ever-changing circumstances. Independent learning is now more important than ever before.
Independent Learning.
Independent learning is a skill most people do not acquire till university. It is the ability to study on your own with little to no supervision. This means having no teachers or parents towering over you making sure you’re completing every piece of work. Pupils are now being urged to take responsibility for their own study. The facts surrounding returning to school in September are not yet concrete. There is speculation that pupils may return back to school on a reduced timetable. This could mean a few days a week or reduced hours in the day. The possibility of this means that independent home study will still be a major part of the teaching timetable. In order to get the most out of your education, you must start planning your route to academic success.
Quarantine Study Schedule.
We all probably started quarantine with the intention of sticking as close to our daily schedule as possible. That meant no laying in, watching Netflix all day and procrastinating with work. As the lockdown days progressed to months most of us have fallen out of routine and find ourselves perpetually in pyjamas. This behaviour has – to – change. Especially for the current year 9 & 10 pupils because they will be studying GCSE content. 2020 has shown us the importance of mock exams and class assessment results as they are being used to decide the GCSE grades for the 2020 cohort. It is paramount that study is taken seriously to ensure pupils are producing the best work they can.
Top Tips:
Creating a timetable
Every pupil is familiar with using a planner. It is an effective organisation tool that makes keeping on top of your learning manageable. It’s an easy way to access your timetable and jot down all your assignments in one place. Physical planners are always the best but you can now use online planners like Google Planner or My Study Life to help you manage your tasks at home. My Study Life tick off to-do list features gives you that sense of accomplishment when you complete your assignments. With independent learning, you’ll find that the little things keep you motivated.
Study in Manageable Chunks
One common error with independent learning is attempting to cover too much in one day. There is a reason why the schools lesson is usually an hour long. Our brains are programmed to take the information it short, frequent doses. Trying to read Macbeth and memorise all the quotes in one day will not serve you in the long run. Instead, take the little and often approach to study. Spend an hour or two a day on a few of your subjects a day. This may look like English, French, and RE on Monday and Maths, Geography and Science on Tuesday. Your study schedule will be completely unique to you and your goals.
Keep the Momentum
As mentioned prior, the little and often approach to study is best. Most pupils love the sound of doing little but want to avoid the often portion. Keeping the momentum going with the study is so important because momentum breeds motivation. Sometimes starting something and sticking to it fuels you to keep going because you start to see the fruits of your efforts. These fruits could be grasping ideas faster, improving your memory retention, and achieving better grades. All these things will come when you’ve got yourself into a clear routine that works for you.
Stay organised, keep the momentum, and carry on studying!
-Taiwo Bali