A poll conducted in August 2020 found that 44% of parents had reservations about sending their children to school full time. The poll showed a preference for reduced school time with more of a focus on remote learning. As a parent, your paramount concern is that your child is safe. These concerns are valid but it is important that the up to date facts surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic are known.
The Reality
The UK government has decided to reopen schools this week. The National Association of Head Teachers surveyed schools and found that 97% of them are ready to open their doors to all pupils at the start of this new school year. NAHT’s general secretary, Paul Whiteman called to parents to have trust in schools.
“Please do not let the very public political difficulties and argument cloud your confidence in schools,” he said.
The reality is that many schools have been developing their return to school strategies since the start of lockdown. Though they may not be perfect, there will be strategies put in place to ensure the safety of students and staff in schools.
Appeal to Parents
Returning to normality in education cannot be done without the support of parents. The wellbeing of children is the most important concern. A study conducted in <nofollow> June 2020 </nofollow> found that 29% of parents noticed that their child was already experiencing difficulties in their emotional or mental health due to the isolating nature of quarantine. The long absence from school means that many children are feeling anxious about the prospects of returning. The quicker we return to normality the better off they will be. It is in the best interest of pupils to have parents who are in support of the expert’s decision to returning to school. As long each school’s safety guidelines are followed diligently, pupils will not come into harm’s way at school.
-Taiwo Bali